
Minutes of Veterans Golf Club of Victoria 71st Annual General Meeting

Monday 8th February 2021 at Rossdale Golf Club

Members in attendance: 58: A quorum achieved

1. Opening

President Roger Selwood opened and Chaired the meeting at 1.00pm and warmly welcomed all members present. He thanked all Office Bearers for their outstanding work through a most difficult year.

2. Apologies

Lance Bolam, Bernie Coyle, Donald McDonald, John Molloy, Alex Johnston & Karl Lindberg.

3. Minutes

President Roger stated that the minutes of the 70th AGM Meeting had been circulated to all members either by email or post and asked whether there were any matters arising from these minutes? None raised. 

Moved: Chris Proctor  Seconded: Peter Garbellini

All those in favour - Carried

4. Annual Reports

President Roger stated that all reports had been fully circulated to the members for their information and thanked Secretary Jeff Taylor for his efforts on their distribution. Presidents, Captains and Treasurers Reports:

Captain Harold Hayes gave an outline of why 2020 syllabus of games didn't eventuate due to COVID, hence no Annual Presentation of trophy winners for 2020.

Treasurer David Vine reported the Club had a surplus of $4,260 at end of 2020 but a deficit of $3,600 was planned for end of 2021. 
Acceptance of Reports:
Moved: Peter Ross  Seconded: Laurie Comerford

All those in favour - Carried

5. Annual Subscriptions, Joining & Match Fees for 2021

President Roger advised that last year's members fees were not paid in a timely manner and requested that it is a member's responsibility to pay on time. President Roger proposed adopting a two tier system of game fees e.g. $60 for Tier 1 Clubs (Keysborough type) and $55 for Tier 2 Clubs (Churchill Waverley type). Cost of lunch only = $15 at all venues. Alan Millard proposed a motion that we adopt $60 for all games irrespective of Tier ranking. This would assist in minimising proposed deficit for 2021. Keeping it simple as suggested would provide additional income for the Club. A show of hands by members overwhelmingly approved that all game fees of $60 be adopted. 

  1. That the Annual Subscription fee be increased from $30 to $40 pa
  2. That the monthly match competition fee increases to $60. (As noted above) This fee includes the Door prizes, including the host club offering a free game for 4 + 2 carts. 
  3. That the Joining Fee remains at $65 to include the purchase of the Club shirt, etc. 

Moved: Alan Millard  Seconded: Beverly Jenkin

All those in favour - Carried

6. Election of Office Bearers for 2021

In accordance with Section 11 of the Clubs Constitution, all office bearers have resigned. All members were sent a Nomination Form for the Committee positions calling for nominations for all positions. We have received nominations for each position.

Proxy Votes:

Two Proxy Votes were received from John Molloy and Karl Lindberg both to be represented by Jeff Taylor.

In accordance with tradition, Past President Roger Selwood was asked to conduct the election for the 2021. The following are the Office Bearers for 2021:

  1.  President - Roger Selwood re elected
  2.  Vice President - Peter Garbellini re elected
  3.  Captain - Jeff Stevens (previously Vice Captain)
  4.  Vice Captain - Harold Hayes (previously Captain)
  5.  Treasurer - Jeff Taylor (previously Secretary)
  6.  Secretary - Gary Morland
  7.  Handicapper - Ray Desmond re elected
  8.  Marketing Manager - Daryl Edwards re elected
  9.  Webmaster - Laurie Comerford re elected

President Roger expressed confidence in the 2021 Committee and was sure we would keep moving ahead this year as we had in previous years. 
Moved: John Killmister  Seconded: Beverly Jenkins

All those in favour - Carried

7. General Business

President Roger asked if there were any items of general business?

  1. President Roger mentioned the sad news of the passing of Stan Odachowski, John Currie and Hugh Churchward recently. Laurie Comerford noted the outstanding job Stan did for the club when Secretary by moving into the electronic age, as well as introducing the famous yellow shirt that distinguishes our members so well. 
  2. Jeff Taylor, as incoming Treasurer, mentioned that the club expects to have 120 members this financial year at ever increasing costs which are estimated at $6,300 plus by end of 2021. They will have to be covered by increasing Annual Subscriptions to $40 in 2021 and potentially to $50 in 2022.  Christmas Presentation Lunch - Beverley Jenkin asked what the 'Ladies Presents' of $350 was for in the 2021 Budget? President Roger responded by saying every lady present gets a small gift from the Club at the Lunch. 
  3. Model Rules were presented to the members by Jeff Stevens. Stating that we have been operating within a Constitution created in 1978. New 'Model Rules' were introduced by the CAV in 2012. These are a standard set of rules for use by all clubs in Victoria that suit Non-Profit organisations. Jeff T, Laurie & Peter Ross have been working with Jeff Stevens on these rules - aligning our administration/management activities to the Rules. We avoid fees by adopting the Rules and not using an independently created Constitution which has to be reviewed and sanctioned by the CAV. Adopting the Model Rules protects the CoM and members from possible prosecution. 
  4. By-Laws are being reviewed by Jeff Stevens and his team. This allows us to look at various operating rules within the club that will align with the Model Rules. 
  5. A brief discussion by Tom Buzza and David Heraud on changing the club's yellow shirt to a different colour. This was not supported by the majority of members present.

8. Meeting Closure

President Roger wished all members a happy, healthy and successful 2021 and closed the meeting at 1.42pm

Gary Morland,

Victorian Veterans Golf Club