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      Veterans Golf Club of Victoria

May 2014 Newsletter

On Monday 5 May 2014, we had 47 starters at Cranbourne Golf Club. Our game on the day was a 4BBB Stableford event and we played for the Captains/Presidents Trophy.


Acting President Gary welcomed all members to Cranbourne GC. He said that, 'as always, it's a pleasure to play this course although today we unfortunately haven't had the best of weather. We do however consider this to be one of our top courses of our annual calendar and Cranbourne always makes us feel welcome every time we play here'. He gave a big thank you to the Club for the use of their excellent course, facilities and lunch. He also gave a special mention to the General Manager, Cameron, for all his help.


Apologies were received from Bernie Coyle, Mike Bainbridge, Daryl Edwards, Kelvin Tyler, Alex Johnson, Noel Valle, Reg Davey, Peter Bryan, Malcolm Turner, Harold Hayes, Rod Goode, Alan Baker, Jeff Stevens, Lindsay Quennell, Malcolm Carter and Gerry O'Connor.

Sick list

Daryl Edwards (knee) and Stan Odachowski (kidney) are on our sick list.


There were no guests playing on the day.

Starters Today

Gary thanked the starters for the day, Ray Reed and himself. He also thanked our Captain Donald, for setting up the pairs and his help getting the groups away.

Raffle prize

The raffle prize today was a set of headphones, donated by Donald MacDonald. He thanked Club Secretary, Stan, for helping to sell the raffle tickets on the day.

Special acheivements

There were three known special achievements in the past month.

65th Anniversary

Gary reminded members that this was our 65th anniversary year and that our Club shirts, Club jumpers and Club hats were available for purchase.

See Daryl Edwards if you wish to purchase any of our range of products.

Eagle Ridge in July

Gary also reminded members that the 2B Ambrose game at Eagle Ridge is on the 21st of July and costs $40. This includes a cart for the day and 6 point sandwiches for lunch.

We will start to collect monies (up front) for the game at Rossdale GC on 2 June.

QWuestion time

No questions were asked, so Gary handed the meeting over to our 'jolly giant' Captain, Donald, to announce the winners for the day.


Captain Donald welcomed members to Cranbourne GC for today's event.

Winners on the day were:

Captains/Presidents Trophy

Nearest to the Pin

3rd Hole: John Sutherland; 8th Hole: George Weaver;

12th Hole: Nil; 14th Hole: Darryl Gangell

Balls down the line

NAGA Award

Ray Underwood and Roger Huxstep were our lucky winners.

Enjoy your golf

Raffle Winner

The raffle was won by Peter Ross.

Birthday Boys for June 2014

Congratulations and best wishes to our members whose birthday falls in June:

Web site proposal

Earlier this year, member Laurie Comerford was asked to look into the possibility of establishing a Club web site.

At the May Cranbourne Committee meeting, Laurie presented his findings and painted a very positive opportunity for our Club.

Laurie gave an excellent presentation of his work so far and explained how the web site would likely be structured. He demonstrated how the content might look and stressed that this needs to evolve over time. He also provided indicative costs, (thus far), which were small in the context of our annual budget.

Approval was given for Laurie to continue his development of the website.

You need to note this happening and be aware that a website launch is forthcoming and could be up and running within a couple of months.

Next Event

Monday 2nd June 2014 at Rossdale Golf Club

Stableford: Keith Allen Trophy - be there by 8.00 am

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. Good health and happy golfing.

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