Veterans Golf Club of Victoria.

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Online membership application

While the data entry fields on this page have content restraints it is not possible to detect all missing or incorrect data.
Be careful with your data entry

☸  Required field.

Personal data:

☸ First Name:☸ Surname:

☸ Address 1:
 Address 2:
☸ City:     P-code: 

☸ Birth date:   

Shirt size:
Mens sizes: 
Ladies sizes: 

 ☸ Contact details - at least one required.


Phone: format 03 xxxx xxxx 

Mobile Phone: format 04xx xxx xxx 

Authorise web site display:- uncheck if you don't want any of your contact details seen by other logged-in members.


Golflink number: Home club: 

Please read - Notes on completing this form

First name. This will be used on your name badge and we prefer you to use your preferred name for address by other members, rather than a formal birth certificate name.

Data constraints:

The various input boxes on this form are constrained as to the type of data they will accept. Depending on your browser they may show as errors during data entry, or only after clicking on the 'Submit Application' icon. Either way you cannot save the data till all items match the programmed format.

The allowable data is:

  1. First name - must be a single word starting with an uppercase letter and with the balance lower case letters
  2. Second name - may be up to 3 words starting with alternatives of
    • Nothing For conventional Australian style names
    • d' For French style names
    • D' For French style names
    • de<space> For French style names
    • Mac For Scottish style names
    • Mc For Irish style names
    • O' For Irish style names
    • van<space> For Dutch style names
    • von<space> For German style names
    followed by words starting with an upper case letter and ending with lower case letters
  3. Address 1 - may be up to 3 words starting with alternatives of
    • Unit <number> (In this case put the street address in the Address 2 field)
    • Flat <number> (In this case put the street address in the Address 2 field)
    • Street number and street name. The name can be up to three words as in 'South Gippsland Highway'
    Suffixes A to E are allowed to the number in the Address 1 and Address 2 fields.
  4. Address 2 - Street number (suffixes A to E are allowed in the number) and street name. The name can be up to three words as in 'South Gippsland Highway'
  5. City - May be one of two words each starting with an upper case letter.
  6. Postcode - Must be 4 digits
  7. Email - Must conform with the standard email address format of something@something.something
  8. Phone - Must be in format 02 xxxx xxxx or 03 xxxx xxxx
  9. Mobile phone - Must be in format 04xx xxx xxx
  10. Golflink number - Must be 10 digits with no spaces
  11. Home club - May be one of two words each starting with an upper case letter.

If you need to enter a character or name more complex than that allowed for - for example: with an umlaut such as ΓΌ - please enter an item with an allowed format and advise the webmaster who can adjust the relevant item.
The email address is


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