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Veterans Golf Club of Victoria

June 2016 Newsletter


President Bernie is currently having fun in Queensland

Number of Players:

51 members and guests



3 guests

Starters for June event at Southern :

John Molloy and Jeff Stevens

Raffle Prize:

House of Golf Brighton continue to subsidise our winners' vouchers and members are urged to support them.

Sub - an important issue:

Reminder for members to ensure their subs for this year have been paid. ( Any members not paid by June are ineligible to play or win any prizes).

Important Announcement

From Donald, our erstwhile Captain :


No input

Club Gear

Club polo shirts and jumpers are available from Daryl Edwards.

Vets Web Site

Laurie Comerford on leave for next two months - Roger Huxstep attempting to update monthly content!

Vice President Gary handed over to Captain Donald



Donald welcomed members to Golf Club for today's event.

Overall winner:

Ronnie Chong (again!) (28) with 39 points won the Keith Allen Trophy.

and received a $30 House of Golf voucher for his effort.

Grade winners

A Grade:  Harold Hayes (22)  38 points

B Grade:  Bill Frey (30)emsp; 36 points

C Grade:  Rodney Goode (32)  35 points

Nearest to the Pin:Donald's joke image

3th hole: Terry Donohue  6th hole: George Weaver

12th hole: John Currie  16th hole: Alan Millard

Balls down the line:

37 points  Gerry Morland (17)

36 points  Terry Donohue (36)

35 points  George Weaver (16)  John Currie (24)

34 points  Roger Selwood (20)  Paul Pelzer (12)

34 points  Chris MacGeorge (23)  Phillip Horsburgh (36)

33 points  Lindsay Quennell (24)

Oops! Our NAGA image is missing

NAGA Award:

Alex Johnson

Birthday boys for June 2016

Congratulations and best wishes to our members whose birthday falls in JunePicture

3rd  Mark Pearson  59

9th  Ian Richards  63

28th  Alan Baker  71     Trevor Bottomley  64


Two prawns, Harry and Christian were walking along the ocean floor when suddenly "POOF!" Out jumped a Cod.  Harry and Christian were startled but the Cod said, "don't be frightened, I am a magic Cod, I can grant you a wish.  I can turn you into any other sea creature that you want to be."

Harry was really excited and said, "I would like to be a Shark, because everybody respects a shark and I will be the boss of the ocean."

Suddenly Harry turns into a Shark and swims off.  Turning to Christian, the Magic Cod says, "What about you Christian, what would you like to be?"

Christian shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm happy being a prawn thanks all the same."  So the Magic Cod left and Christian scuttled off home.

As the months went by Harry was getting tired of being a Shark as nobody liked him and all the other sea creatures were scared of him so he spent months searching for the Magic Cod so he could be released from his spell.

Suddenly, POOF! the Magic Cod appeared before him.  "Please Magic Cod Harry pleaded, please turn me back into a prawn.  Harry explained why he hated being a Shark so, the Magic Cod turns him back into a Prawn.

Prawns, sharks and christian

Harry was excited and the first thing he wanted to do was go and see his old friend Christian. Harry knocked on Christian's door.  "Who's there," cried Christian.

"It's me, Harry your old friend"

"Go away," replied Christian. "You're a Shark, if I open the door you will eat me."

"No, no," said Harry.

"I'm a Prawn again Christian.""

Next event:

Churchill Park for the Keith Allen Trophy starting at 8:00 on 04th July

 Lance Bolam ☎ 03 8558 7574 Noel Manning ☎ 03 9889 0588 or 0408 638 978

Eagle Ridge for the Ambrose pairs social starting at 8:00 on 18th July


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